2024 04 27

A wintry Chicago scene, devoid of color and life aside from one jacketed child. March, 2024. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

Getting drunk and then trying to write is tricky; Iโ€™m not sure how Bukowski did it (probably it was scripted). You think all of your thoughts are brilliant but then wake up the next day to realize the opposite. Itโ€™s kind of like dreaming; Some of my most amazing ideas have come while deep asleep โ€” I wake up in a pool of brilliance and then doze back off drenched in the cool confidence that I have the Next Big Idea โ€” only to wake up again, once the sunlight is drenching the room in hot reality, and realize the sleepy thoughts were actually complete bullshit.

While walking home from the bar, we came across a brilliant flower poking up from the earth. It reminded me about my new-found Spring Perspective Iโ€™ve been dwelling on this yearโ€ฆ bare trees have become beautiful to me for the first time in my life! Iโ€™ve realized the magic a lack of leaves allows: by letting through light and colors and birds and whatnot, weโ€™re able to view a more complex scene, which a fully leafed-out tree does not allow. Itโ€™s a simple idea, yes, but if youโ€™re not paying attention to these sorts of things, they go completely ignored.

Anyway, back to bed I go.



2024 04 28


2024 04 26