won't you be my buddy?
won't you be my buddy?
hello future friend, this is what I type like.
Ezra Klein - smart thinker guy
Daniel Johnston - Hi, how are you? The artists’ artist
Gawx - very talented artist, youtuber from Mexico City
Bryan Birks - photographer based in St Louis often documenting Illinois
Mandelbro - band and youtube channel from Europe
Mister Tom Musick - musician based in Chicago
Bugsy Sailor - photographer or sunrises, shop owner, UP Michigan ambassador
Daniel Arnold - photographer from the midwest, based in NYC, whose work I adore
Tim Carpenter - photographer & writer based in NYC & Illinois
Terra Fondriest - photographer based in the Ozarks
Stuff Made Here - guy on youtube who makes stuff, like a crazy camera
Ivan Weiss - portrait photographer based in London
BurkleHagen - Cleveland food & beverage photo studio
Kartemquin Films - Chicago documentary production company
Amando de Leon - Chicago street photographer
Meaghan Garvey - writer and vibe dealer
Luc Forsyth - Doc DP, filmmaker, and youtuber
Tim Davis - a really great photographer I look up to
Sasha Wolf - PhotoWork podcast host and representative of all-things-photography
Matthew Genitempo - photographer and book publisher based in texas
Ta-Nehisi Coates - American author and journalist
Tim Barber - NY-based photographer and online photobook store owner
Mark Laita - photographer turned youtuber
Ted Chiang - science-fiction author
Clint Woodside - photographer and founder of Deadbeat Club photobooks
Lance Oppenheim - American filmmaker and documentarian behind Ren Faire
Shōta Imanaga - Cubs star pitcher, from Japan
Bobby Conn - a favorite musician of mine, largely under the radar
John Bellows - fun, unique musician previously based in Chicago
Lydia Davis - amazing writer I need to get back into reading
Christian Hunter - chef-owner of Atelier in Chicago
Baltimore Photo Space - photobook store in Baltimore
JULY 2024
Caspian Report - geopolitics youtube channel
Julia Cameron - teacher, artist, author of The Artist’s Way
David Dondero - singer/songwriter (one of the best ever!) and now novelist
Electric Funeral - bar in Chicago’s Bridgeport neighborhood
Terry Hunter - Chicago house music DJ and producer
Matt Barnes - Canadian artist/photographer with a fun attitude
JUNE 2024
Alec Soth - Magnum photographer and photobook legend based up in Minnesota
Tim Davis - fun, talented photographer based in LA
Gilles Peress - talented Magnum photographer with a massive photobook
Haruki Murakami - famous author from Japan
Will Malone - photographer I discovered via his youtube channel
Jeff Nichols - favorite filmmaker of mine who does great indie films
MAY 2024
Martin Schoeller - photographer known for distinct portrait style
Paulie B - photographer with a great photography youtube channel
Trevor Wisecup - NYC-based street photographer
Sara Messinger - NYC-based photographer with awesome perspective
Peter McKinnon - famous youtube photographer personality
Vuhlandes - filmmaker and youtuber based in detroit
April 2024
Nadav Kander - iconic photographer of influence
Graeme Williams - youtube channel dedicated to photography
Clue Heywood - hilarious twitter account, bar appreciator, and unofficial Arizona spokesperson
Todd Hido - vibey famous art photography and smart guy
Willem Verbeeck - great film photographer with equally great youtube channel
March 2024
David Shapiro - youtuber doing good thinking on AI and its future
Kyla Scanlon - writer and thinker mostly focused on economics
Van Neistat - filmmaker, youtuber, spirited man
Tim Kreider - writer, cartoonist, educator, interesting fellow
Jason Peterson - photographer, creative agency head
Visual Revolutionary - photo-centric podcast
Jason Vincent - chef-owner of many favorite chicago spots
Allison Schrager - economist and writer
Morgan Housel - perhaps the best writer on finance
February 2024
John White - iconic Pulitzer-winning Chicago photojournalist
Ben Smith - photographer and podcast host of A Small Voice, which is super worth your time
Scott Galloway - author, media commentator, smart dude, wanna be BFF
Robert Caro - persistent author of The Power Broker and a bunch of LBJ books
Bald And Bankrupt - youtuber whose wit & wanderings I immensely enjoy
Ed Panar - photographer based in Pittsburgh
Baltimore Photo Space - photo book store in Baltimore 📚
Mark Rebillet - music personality & entertainer
Matt Black - talented photographer with impressive American Geography book project
Noah Kalina - a photographer/artist favorite of mine based in upstate NY
January 2024
Ezra Furman - great musician. from Chicago? 🤔
The Bug Club - great band (discovered via Ezra) that just played in Chicago but I missed it cuz I’m a dummy
Jeremy Cowart - artist and photographer who I stole my “Keep it 100” portrait idea from
The Hold Steady - The dream house band of my dream bar
They Might Be Giants - an all-time favorite band with the best song about the sun ever written
Peter Zeihan - geopolitics writer great at distilling complicated world events into easy to understand perspective
Evan Ranft - youtube photographer based in Atlanta
Stobe the Hobo - RIP
Jules Terpak - smart commentary on media / part of how I attempt to keep up on what the youth are up to