2024 05 27

Middle America vibes in Vincennes, Indiana. April, 2024. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

I love simple photos like this. I couldโ€™ve spent all day photographing this little neighborhood which was full of detail โ€” and full of stray cats!

This year, Iโ€™m going to push myself to get out into the world simply with the task of making photographs. While this image is outside of my scope, the boundaries Iโ€™ve given myself is Illinois and all of its towns, cities, farmland, countryside, and anywhere in between, but excluding Cook County (Chicago), as Iโ€™ve spent my entire life living in this county and want to explore new landscapes less familiar to me. I likely wonโ€™t be sharing images from this project here on the blog as Iโ€™m aiming to make them come together as something that exists on its own. But weโ€™ll see. Things change and Iโ€™m already finding myself stressed about missing out on capturing early summer, as Iโ€™ve been busy working back home in Cook County. Likely, this project will span multiple years as I grow and shape a larger body of work.

Happy Memorial Day, America.



2024 05 28


2024 05 26