2024 07 03

Apartment building in Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. Β© Clayton Hauck

One thing that worries Intellectual Clayton more than perhaps anything else is the demographics among western nations. People just aren’t having kids anymore. While Environmentalist Clayton isn’t so worried about a decline in population, the concern is that such a dramatic shift in population trends will have drastic repercussions we can’t fully understand. An exponential decline in numbers leading to a majority of old people within just a few generations will put strains on society that might not be possible to withstand. Perhaps the prime example of this new and developing trend is the country of South Korea.

The video below from a favorite geopolitics channel Caspian Report is both a good summary of the problem and an enlightening look into how one country is (so far unsuccessfully) attempting to deal with it, going so far as to construct an entire new capital city.



2024 07 04


2024 07 02