2024 07 07

Allison cameo at Alice’s karaoke bachelorette bash. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. Β© Clayton Hauck

We’re in the home stretch of planning our wedding along with our individual bachelor and bachelorette parties, as people do. The whole process has felt like going the wrong direction on one of those airport moving walkways, constantly marching towards the date while making no progress. Clearly, this isn’t the case. We do have most of the big stuff sorted, but a never-ending cascade of decisions and details and dates and adjustments and conversations and tasks and fear and anxiety is ever present. While very much looking forward to the actual fall weekend we’ll officially tie the knot, I’m also very much looking forward to the end of this sense of dread leading up to it.

Enjoy your Sunday!



2024 07 08


2024 07 06