2024 07 24

Catalpa on the corner. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

Speaking of learning new things out of necessity, Iโ€™ve been doing a decent amount of photo stitching with my Ricoh GRiiix, which is the camera I use to make a vast majority of the images Iโ€™ve been posting to this blog. This image here was made from 3-4 different images taken with the intention of merging them into one final shot. Why do this, you ask? Well, my version of the Ricoh is the longer lens 40mm-equivalent, which makes capturing wider scenes, such as this massive tree, not possible from up close. In general, I prefer the slightly longer focal length, so when I really want a nicer image but the camera is not wide enough to get it, Iโ€™ll often capture the scene in multiple frames and stitch them together using Photoshopโ€™s automate feature, which does a really nice job of it. In addition to creating the wider visual, it also creates an image with much higher resolution that a single image using a wider lens would make.

Not that I need more res for blogging but itโ€™s a cool way of doing low-budget pseudo-medium format.



2024 07 25


2024 07 23