2024 08 09

Some of my limited edition prints dubbed โ€œThe Camera You Haveโ€ photographed in my studio. Chicago, Illinois. July, 2024. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

Quick update, as Iโ€™m late to post today (busy, working, stuff, things) and dangerously close to missing my first day all year!

Potisitve: Ive been learning to print! Itโ€™s been fun, and expensive, and time consuming, and easy, and hard, and fun, and I like it. Most of what Iโ€™ve printed thus far is personal work which I havenโ€™t shared anywhere yet. I also printed a new commercial photo portfolio, which looked great and ate up a ton of ink ($$). Hopefully it leads to a job or two to help pay for the time and expenses.

Negative: Money. Time. Just another thing to sink my limited time into for zero monetary upside (in reality, just a loss).

Positive: Iโ€™m getting excited about photography from a different perspective. I want to make zines and books and prints and do shows and print other peopleโ€™s work and have fun!

Long story short: as with everything, this new venture is a work-in-progress but one that Iโ€™m excited about. This post has been a reminder than I am behind schedule on releasing a new print into my The Camera You Have series. I am to do this next week and I will again give one away here on the ole blog. Stay tuned!



2024 08 10


2024 08 08