2024 09 06
A could festival goers. Chicago, Illinois. July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I’m now the proud holder of a marriage license. This does not mean I am legally married, according to the state, however, I am in the system as someone who is soon-to-be-married (and has paid sixty dollars cash). The friendly woman at the desk commended me for carrying cash, stating she “would never marry a man who didn’t have cash on him.” It’s nice to know my upcoming nuptials are officially sanctioned by the state. She was also glad to hear our wedding will be officiated by a cantor and not a notary or one of “the weird things people are doing nowadays” (we didn’t tell her about Jack). So, yes, we are on the track to getting it done and after roughly another four dozen things to cross off our checklist the day will have come and gone, and if the United States Post Office is able to function properly, we will be married!