2024 09 09

Get rich or try sharing. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. ยฉ Clayton Hauck

Look โ€” admittedly I donโ€™t know the answer. You book your favorite artist in the world, the best songwriter alive, and nobody comes to the show. It is what it is. You canโ€™t pay people to enjoy quality entertainment these days. I donโ€™t have an answer but the bummer part is you can be the most talented person in the world but unless you have a following, it doesnโ€™t matter. This is a sad entry but the night was amazing I just choose to dwell on the negative aspects of it.

Ironically, the thing that likely makes the art that good is all the shit that happens en route to the art.

โ€œWe crossed this country a million times. Trillion roads, gazillion signs.โ€ -David Dondero

Who knows if weโ€™ll ever end up getting there but at least we tried.



2024 09 10


2024 09 08