2024 12 15
Is that tree stump smiling at me? St Germain, Wisconsin. July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
The internet is many things these days, however, it is still a remarkable place to discover new work that you really connect with. Yesterday, through a photography youtube video, I was made aware of Terra Fondriest’s Ozark Life project and really fell in love with it. Filled with such beautiful human moments, it’s a really special project that fuels my enthusiasm for both photography and life generally. Being a city boy myself, it’s nice to get such an intimate glimpse into other peoples’ realities. Quality photo essays, such as this one, are perhaps the best way to communicate other perspectives and a huge part of why I’m so obsessed with photography.
Also, a quick update to yestetday’s entry (see: 2024 12 14): After posting, I was delivered a plate of food, so that comment turned out to be inaccurate. Also, while I did not meet a cat that night, I did run into a buddy and we discussed our cats for a few minutes, so it sort of qualifies. Then, we ended up at Warlord where I was able to consume one of Chicago’s best burgers. I’ll count the night as a prophecy granted. Perhaps today I can find a bucket of no-strings-attached money.