Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 08 04

Yes, lately I have been becoming far more open-minded towards the spiritual or ambiguous side of things I mightā€™ve previously scoffed at. This quote stood out yesterday while listening to The Artistā€™s Way. I think as a pro photographer itā€™s my job to ā€œremove chanceā€ from the equation to ā€œget the shotā€ at all costs, however, clearly we canā€™t control everything and embracing the things we canā€™t control is a far better strategy than blaming yourself for them when they donā€™t work out. If this makes any sense?

ā€œNo matter how slow the film, spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer it has chosen.ā€

ā€” Minor White


Airplanes landing in Atlanta through a double-rainbow situation. Atlanta, Georgia. May, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

Yes, lately I have been becoming far more open-minded towards the spiritual or ambiguous side of things I mightā€™ve previously scoffed at. This quote stood out yesterday while listening to The Artistā€™s Way. I think as a pro photographer itā€™s my job to ā€œremove chanceā€ from the equation to ā€œget the shotā€ at all costs, however, clearly we canā€™t control everything and embracing the things we canā€™t control is a far better strategy than blaming yourself for them when they donā€™t work out. If this makes any sense?

ā€œNo matter how slow the film, spirit always stands still long enough for the photographer it has chosen.ā€
— Minor White


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 07 12

Iā€™ve got a bigger post in the works but itā€™s not done yet, so here I am stalling again. Get it?

Whatā€™s the deal with airplanes lately? I have no joke here, I am legitimately concerned and terrified. As someone who loves travel, I must admit Iā€™ve been quite comfortable staying at home for most of the last few years.

Somehow, while going through one of the slower periods of my commercial photography career, I have been seemingly busier than ever. Itā€™s probably the never-ending stream of tasks I have given myself. This daily blog, for starters. On that note, Iā€™m attempting an actual vacation next week, so apologies ahead of time if the posts are limited. I know yā€™all are paying good money for this #content so Iā€™ll do my best to provide you with some entertainmentā€”kidding, but do you remember when blogs were hot and all the writers were ditching their real jobs to write paywalled blogs? Perhaps I shouldā€™ve went with The Daily Clay instead of Pointing at Stuff.

Jumping right along to the next bad segue, Iā€™ve been coming up with a whole lot of ideas for web domain names I should buy lately. Iā€™m not quite sure why Iā€™m all of a sudden living back in 2007 but surely there is something that explains this behavior.

I couldnā€™t help but wonder: can women have sex like men?


Just a couple of dudes watching the planes go by. Atlanta, Georgia. May, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

Iā€™ve got a bigger post in the works but itā€™s not done yet, so here I am stalling again. Get it?

Whatā€™s the deal with airplanes lately? I have no Seinfeld-style joke here, I am legitimately concerned and terrified. As someone who loves travel, I must admit Iā€™ve been quite comfortable staying at home for most of the last few years.

Somehow, while going through one of the slower periods of my commercial photography career, I have been seemingly busier than ever. Itā€™s probably the never-ending stream of tasks I have given myself. This daily blog, for starters. On that note, Iā€™m attempting an actual vacation next week, so apologies ahead of time if the posts are limited. I know yā€™all are paying good money for this #content so Iā€™ll do my best to provide you with some entertainmentā€”kidding, but do you remember when blogs were hot and all the writers were ditching their real jobs to write paywalled blogs? Perhaps I shouldā€™ve went with The Daily Clay instead of Pointing at Stuff.

Jumping right along to the next bad segue, Iā€™ve been coming up with a whole lot of ideas for web domain names I should buy lately. Iā€™m not quite sure why Iā€™m all of a sudden living back in 2007 but surely there is something that explains this behavior.

I couldnā€™t help but wonder: can women have sex like men?


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 06 12

The amount of vertical images Iā€™ve been posting lately has been bugging me. Iā€™ve long preferred horizontal crops, however, am finding myself shooting vertical much more these days, surely because of The Phone. New technology comes along and weā€™re all forced to change our behaviors and adapt to it or likely be left behind, stuck in the past.

Lately Iā€™ve been dreaming of opening a bar, thinking it would be a neat idea to shun all types of technology. No website. No social media. Actively tank the google reviews. You get the idea. How clever! Then, I mentioned this amazing idea to a younger person. Not so clever, she thought. You know what? Sheā€™s probably right, too.

I think in life we should embrace the things weā€™re good at and enjoy doing. Sure, I donā€™t love social media and the feeling of being forced to use these social platforms, but I do love making photos and videos and even building websites. It only makes sense that, instead of completely avoiding all these things, I would incorporate them into my fictional bar. The harder part will be figuring out how to become fifteen years younger in order to convince anyone to come drink at my new establishment.

Iā€™m thinking of calling it Grumpyā€™s.


Dirty sensor view from high in the sky. En route to Atlanta, Georgia. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

The amount of vertical images Iā€™ve been posting lately has been bugging me. Iā€™ve long preferred horizontal crops, however, am finding myself shooting vertical much more these days, surely because of The Phone. New technology comes along and weā€™re all forced to change our behaviors and adapt to it or likely be left behind, stuck in the past.

Lately Iā€™ve been dreaming of opening a bar, thinking it would be a neat idea to shun all types of technology. No website. No social media. Actively tank the google reviews. You get the idea. How clever! Then, I mentioned this amazing idea to a younger person. Not so clever, she thought. You know what? Sheā€™s probably right, too.

I think in life we should embrace the things weā€™re good at and enjoy doing. Sure, I donā€™t love social media and the feeling of being forced to use these social platforms, but I do love making photos and videos and even building websites. It only makes sense that, instead of completely avoiding all these things, I would incorporate them into my fictional barā€¦ any my life, generally. The harder part will be figuring out how to become fifteen years younger in order to convince anyone to come drink at my new establishment.

Iā€™m thinking of calling it Grumpyā€™s.


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