Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 06 19

We just wrapped a video project for 50 Best Bars featuring the cocktail menu book at The Meadowlark here in Chicago, which is a great spot I regularly do photography for. Check it out below!


Blurry Allison enjoys a martini at Best Intentions. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

We just wrapped a video project for 50 Best Bars featuring the cocktail menu book at The Meadowlark here in Chicago, which is a great spot I regularly do photography for. Check it out below!


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 05 24

Sometimes accidents make for more interesting results. Not realizing I had my ISO set to 400, this was the resulting image made while attempting to photography my delicious cocktail in Nashville’s super dark and very great cocktail spot, Attaboy.

I’m posting this because today I’m off directing a video piece at local cocktail spot Meadowlark… and what is video but a bunch of blurry photos strung together one after another, right? My pivot to video begins now! But also, I’m photographing cocktails Saturday as well in my usual still fashion, so really it’s just yet another job to add to my list of jobs.

Photographer, director, videographer, studio manager, blogger.


Blurry cocktail at Attaboy in Nashville, Tennessee. April, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

Sometimes accidents make for more interesting results. Not realizing I had my ISO set to 400, this was the resulting image made while attempting to photography my delicious cocktail in Nashville’s super dark and very great cocktail spot, Attaboy.

I’m posting this because today I’m off directing a video piece at local cocktail spot Meadowlark… and what is video but a bunch of blurry photos strung together one after another, right? My pivot to video begins now! But also, I’m photographing cocktails Saturday as well in my usual still fashion, so really it’s just yet another job to add to my list of jobs.

Photographer, director, videographer, studio manager, blogger.


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