2024 09 24
Sometimes the accidental shots are the best shots. I made this one while strolling through the farmer’s market practicing zone focusing on the Ricoh. Yes, it’s out of focus, and blurry, and full of sensor dust (most of which I removed in post), but I still enjoy the image. It’s got a bit of rizz. Not much, but a touch of rizz.
This lesson in zone focusing was sort of the nail in the coffin for this camera, which I’ve been abusing for two or so years. Most of the images posted to this blog have been made using it. The problem, now, is that I can’t shoot with it unless the aperture is wide ass open, otherwise all the sensor dust fills the frame. Luckily, when you shoot wide open, you can make things invisible, allowing me to continue using the camera longer. Just not with zone focusing. Anyhoo.
I’m still months behind on photo editing and life bureaucracy. We have our wedding documents tho, finally, so that’s official and off the to do list!
Dogs on the prowl. Logan Square Farmers Market. Chicago, Illinois. July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Sometimes the accidental shots are the best shots. I made this one while strolling through the farmer’s market practicing zone focusing on the Ricoh. Yes, it’s out of focus, and blurry, and full of sensor dust (most of which I removed in post), but I still enjoy the image. It’s got a bit of rizz. Not much, but a touch of rizz.
This lesson in zone focusing was sort of the nail in the coffin for this camera, which I’ve been abusing for two or so years. Most of the images posted to this blog have been made using it. The problem, now, is that I can’t shoot with it unless the aperture is wide ass open, otherwise all the sensor dust fills the frame. Luckily, when you shoot wide open, you can make things invisible, allowing me to continue using the camera longer. Just not with zone focusing. Anyhoo.
I’m still months behind on photo editing and life bureaucracy. We have our wedding documents tho, finally, so that’s official and off the to do list!
2024 06 12
The amount of vertical images I’ve been posting lately has been bugging me. I’ve long preferred horizontal crops, however, am finding myself shooting vertical much more these days, surely because of The Phone. New technology comes along and we’re all forced to change our behaviors and adapt to it or likely be left behind, stuck in the past.
Lately I’ve been dreaming of opening a bar, thinking it would be a neat idea to shun all types of technology. No website. No social media. Actively tank the google reviews. You get the idea. How clever! Then, I mentioned this amazing idea to a younger person. Not so clever, she thought. You know what? She’s probably right, too.
I think in life we should embrace the things we’re good at and enjoy doing. Sure, I don’t love social media and the feeling of being forced to use these social platforms, but I do love making photos and videos and even building websites. It only makes sense that, instead of completely avoiding all these things, I would incorporate them into my fictional bar. The harder part will be figuring out how to become fifteen years younger in order to convince anyone to come drink at my new establishment.
I’m thinking of calling it Grumpy’s.
Dirty sensor view from high in the sky. En route to Atlanta, Georgia. April, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
The amount of vertical images I’ve been posting lately has been bugging me. I’ve long preferred horizontal crops, however, am finding myself shooting vertical much more these days, surely because of The Phone. New technology comes along and we’re all forced to change our behaviors and adapt to it or likely be left behind, stuck in the past.
Lately I’ve been dreaming of opening a bar, thinking it would be a neat idea to shun all types of technology. No website. No social media. Actively tank the google reviews. You get the idea. How clever! Then, I mentioned this amazing idea to a younger person. Not so clever, she thought. You know what? She’s probably right, too.
I think in life we should embrace the things we’re good at and enjoy doing. Sure, I don’t love social media and the feeling of being forced to use these social platforms, but I do love making photos and videos and even building websites. It only makes sense that, instead of completely avoiding all these things, I would incorporate them into my fictional bar… any my life, generally. The harder part will be figuring out how to become fifteen years younger in order to convince anyone to come drink at my new establishment.
I’m thinking of calling it Grumpy’s.