Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 04 07

This blog is at a serious risk of becoming a place that only reposts Noah Kalina videos, however, per the rules of the blog, if I watch a video I enjoy I need to write about it here. Since Noah is posting videos like every damn day, this space is going to get all cluttered up with hashtag Kalina Content, which honestly might not be a bad thing.

Palmer Square Park on a foggy winter night. Chicago, Illinois. December, 2023. © Clayton Hauck

This blog is at a serious risk of becoming a place that only reposts Noah Kalina videos, however, per the rules of the blog, if I watch a video I enjoy I need to write about it here. Since Noah is posting videos like every damn day, this space is going to get all cluttered up with hashtag Kalina Content, which honestly might not be a bad thing.

Anyway, enjoy your Sunday, while taking in a few recent videos from Noah’s youtube channel, posted below.


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