Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 11 19

If I had a bunch of money, I’d buy some funky old houses in Pittsburgh, fix them up, and then… I’m not sure. I guess I could live in one of them but what do you do with the rest? Sell them? To who? A big part of why Pittsburgh is great is because it’s not Washington DC or Austin or Boston or Charlotte. Sure, Pittsburgh probably would still be great if it did become a trendy tech hub filled with rich bros. At least my house renovation dreams would make financial sense instead of just being fun to imagine. The problem with some of these ideas, however, is they only make sense in the hypothetical world you have built up in your head. Like Kamala Harris becoming president, or opening a bar inside the building you work at, some ideas are destined to remain fantasy.


Houses for sale! Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. August, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

If I had a bunch of money, I’d buy some funky old houses in Pittsburgh, fix them up, and then… I’m not sure. I guess I could live in one of them but what do you do with the rest? Sell them? To who? A big part of why Pittsburgh is great is because it’s not Washington DC or Austin or Boston or Charlotte. Sure, Pittsburgh probably would still be great if it did become a trendy tech hub filled with rich bros. At least my house renovation dreams would make financial sense instead of just being fun to imagine. The problem with some of these ideas, however, is they only make sense in the hypothetical world you have built up in your head. Like Kamala Harris becoming president, or opening a bar inside the building you work at, some ideas are destined to remain fantasy.


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