2024 07 06
Being about halfway through a year of daily blogging, I’m finding myself wondering the benefits of doing this. While I’m not considering stopping, I am wondering if the strict requirement of posting each day is helpful or if it’s more likely causing me unnecessary stress and leading to boring posts nobody cares to look at, thus bringing down the overall quality of the entire project.
Yeah, I’m an over-thinker.
The image I’m sharing today is a nice callback to the first post (2024 01 01). It was taken in nearly the same location at nearly the same (seasonally-relative) time of day, with only the trees providing a variation with their leaves.
My sister is in town staying with us and she’s always doing something fun and creative (which I often end up copying). This time, it’s The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. One process the book teaches is doing your “daily pages”, which is basically writing three pages in a notebook first thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be pretty — just get it on the page! Brain drain style. I love the concept behind this process. It also had me wondering how much of this here blog is actually my organic version of morning pages; my version of therapy.
Moon through trees. Wilmette, Illinois. May, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Being about halfway through a year of daily blogging, I’m finding myself wondering the benefits of doing this. While I’m not considering stopping, I am wondering if the strict requirement of posting each day is helpful or if it’s more likely causing me unnecessary stress and leading to boring posts nobody cares to look at, thus bringing down the overall quality of the entire project.
Yeah, I’m an over-thinker.
The image I’m sharing today is a nice callback to the first post (2024 01 01). It was taken in nearly the same location at nearly the same (seasonally-relative) time of day, with only the trees providing a variation with their leaves.
My sister is in town staying with us and she’s always doing something fun and creative (which I often end up copying). This time, it’s The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. One process the book teaches is doing your “daily pages”, which is basically writing three pages in a notebook first thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be pretty — just get it on the page! Brain drain style. I love the concept behind this process. It also had me wondering how much of this here blog is actually my organic version of morning pages; my version of therapy.