Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 08 16

ham! a few minutes shy of missing my first day of the year. but here we are. a photo.


No parking. Chicago, Illinois. (don't even get me started on the parking meter deal) July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

wham! a few minutes shy of missing my first day of the year. but here we are. a photo.


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 07 10

Time, the ever-flowing river. It keeps on moving. The clock keeps on ticking. If you don’t have a photo lined up for the following day, you end up running a photo of a no parking sign. Suck it up. Maybe we’ll get ‘em tomorrow. Can’t win ‘em all, as they say.

As far as photos of parking signs go, however, it is a nice one!


No parking, tow zone. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

Time, the ever-flowing river. It keeps on moving. The clock keeps on ticking. If you don’t have a photo lined up for the following day, you end up running a photo of a no parking sign. Suck it up. Maybe we’ll get ‘em tomorrow. Can’t win ‘em all, as they say.

As far as photos of parking signs go, however, it is a nice one!


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