2024 04 12
Look, I don’t have time to write a banger post each and every day like yesterday’s was so some days I’m just going to post some self-promotional bullshit, like today!
My email box alerted me to a new New York Times feature covering “Chicago’s 25 Best Restaurants” using my photo in the emailer with my name in the byline. I mean, c’mon, it’s exciting!
This was my first visit to said restaurant and I snapped a few images on my trusty Ricoh, this one included. I’m a reluctant social media user, however, have been trying to be better about tagging people on IG lately. I tagged Warlord in this shot and they hit me back, asking me to email them so they could show their mom. Cute! Fast forward to Chicago hitting me up to do some photos and having the existing communication really helped along the process and led to some amazing images for a different Best New Restaurants feature. Then, this NYT feature happened. Next, surely Joe B(iden) will call asking if I can get him in. That’s how this shit works.
Anyway, shoutout to Yoder for lining up at 3pm or whatever to get us in.
Now I’m hungry.
Look, I don’t have time to write a banger post each and every day like yesterday’s was so some days I’m just going to post some self-promotional bullshit, like today!
My email box alerted me to a new New York Times feature covering “Chicago’s 25 Best Restaurants” using my photo in the emailer with my name in the byline. I mean, c’mon, it’s exciting!
This was my first visit to said restaurant and I snapped a few images on my trusty Ricoh, this one included. I’m a reluctant social media user, however, have been trying to be better about tagging people on IG lately. I tagged Warlord in this shot and they hit me back, asking me to email them so they could show their mom. Cute! Fast forward to Chicago hitting me up to do some photos and having the existing communication really helped along the process and led to some amazing images for a different Best New Restaurants feature. Then, this NYT feature happened. Next, surely Joe B(iden) will call asking if I can get him in. That’s how this shit works.
Anyway, shoutout to Yoder for lining up at 3pm or whatever to get us in.
Now I’m hungry.