2024 12 21
December has been a whirlwind. After a relentless amount of events at the studio, a large commercial project, magazine cover shoot, and much more, today is my first day off this month. While that is nice, the fact that we’re now a few days out from Christmas and gift exchanging, I am feeling all sorts of guilt and shame by prioritizing myself and my businesses over family and tradition. Clearly, I either need to find better balance or hire a personal assistant to do my shopping for me so I can keep up.
Without putting all of the blame on myself, I just wanted to share one of the challenges of being a freelancer/small business owner. We’re often forced to work ourselves to the bone at the times it is least convenient to do so, then immediately switch into chill family mode and act like we have all of our shit together. I can’t even imagine doing this with children in the mix.
I love you mom & dad! I’ll see you in a few days and I hope you’re not upset with me if I show up empty handed! I will, at least, have the gift of knowing your son can cover his rent for a few more months, and that’s the greatest gift a boy can give! Yes, this is sarcasm and clearly an attempt to soften the blow, as I know my mom will be reading this. Again, I’m thinking about myself… happy holidays & off to Costco we go!
December has been a whirlwind. After a relentless amount of events at the studio, a large commercial project, magazine cover shoot, and much more, today is my first day off this month. While that is nice, the fact that we’re now a few days out from Christmas and gift exchanging, I am feeling all sorts of guilt and shame by prioritizing myself and my businesses over family and tradition. Clearly, I either need to find better balance or hire a personal assistant to do my shopping for me so I can keep up.
Without putting all of the blame on myself, I just wanted to share one of the challenges of being a freelancer/small business owner. We’re often forced to work ourselves to the bone at the times it is least convenient to do so, then immediately switch into chill family mode and act like we have all of our shit together. I can’t even imagine doing this with children in the mix.
I love you mom & dad! I’ll see you in a few days and I hope you’re not upset with me if I show up empty handed! I will, at least, have the gift of knowing your son can cover his rent for a few more months, and that’s the greatest gift a boy can give! Yes, this is sarcasm and clearly an attempt to soften the blow, as I know my mom will be reading this. Again, I’m thinking about myself… happy holidays & off to Costco we go!