Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 08 25

I’m sitting at a bar in Pittsburgh eating a breakfast burrito, attempting to get a quick post up. Anytime I’m in Pittsburgh, I wonder why I don’t live in Pittsburgh. It’s an incredible place for a guy like me. What this means, exactly, deserves a longer post. My last night in Cleveland (I crashed a party at BurkleHagen) deserves a longer post, too. I’ll get to it. Maybe.

I liked this image because I’d thought the bird had a worm in his mouth. When I went to edit it, I zoomed in and realized it’s just a gull and now I like the image much less.

I suspect this is why I don’t actually live in Pittsburgh. But you don’t know until you zoom in and see all the detail, which is hard to do on just a few quick visits.

Next stop: Baltimore


Bird on roof. Does he, too, enjoy a nice sunset? Chicago, Illinois. July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

I’m sitting at a bar in Pittsburgh eating a breakfast burrito, attempting to get a quick post up. Anytime I’m in Pittsburgh, I wonder why I don’t live in Pittsburgh. It’s an incredible place for a guy like me. What this means, exactly, deserves a longer post. My last night in Cleveland (I crashed a party at BurkleHagen) deserves a longer post, too. I’ll get to it. Maybe.

I liked this image because I’d thought the bird had a worm in his mouth. When I went to edit it, I zoomed in and realized it’s just a gull and now I like the image much less.

I suspect this is why I don’t actually live in Pittsburgh. But you don’t know until you zoom in and see all the detail, which is hard to do on just a few quick visits.

Next stop: Baltimore


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