Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 08 29

Ten minutes prior to deadline. Although, technically, I’ve missed the deadline since it’s passed midnight in my current location on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. I’ll give myself a pass since it’s not quite tomorrow yet in Chicago. But I’m walking on thin ice around here. This image, made in upstate Wisconsin, reminded me of my week here on the waters of coastal Maryland. I always love making images of water and waves, especially when beautiful lighting is involved. It’s cheap, sure, but look how mesmerizing this is!

See you tomorrow (today).


Lake waves. St Germain, Wisconsin. July, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

Ten minutes prior to deadline. Although, technically, I’ve missed the deadline since it’s passed midnight in my current location on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. I’ll give myself a pass since it’s not quite tomorrow yet in Chicago. But I’m walking on thin ice around here. This image, made in upstate Wisconsin, reminded me of my week here on the waters of coastal Maryland. I always love making images of water and waves, especially when beautiful lighting is involved. It’s cheap, sure, but look how mesmerizing this is!

See you tomorrow (today).


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 08 02

It’s nice having friends. I’ve been a loner just about all my life, while fortunately maintaining at least a few core, close friends along the way. This year more than ever I have been appreciating and (doing my best to) focus on maintaining friend-relationships. It’s remarkable how beneficial a solid friend can be. Let’s be friends!? You know where to find me. I’m here every day!

Shoutout Mr Yoder for being my model this dark and stormy night.


My bud Ken jumps in a puddle to celebrate his birthday. Chicago, Illinois. June, 2024. © Clayton Hauck

It’s nice having friends. I’ve been a loner just about all my life, while fortunately maintaining at least a few core, close friends along the way. This year more than ever I have been appreciating and (doing my best at) focusing on maintaining friend-relationships. It’s remarkable how beneficial a solid friend can be. Let’s be friends!? You know where to find me. I’m here every day! See you tomorrow?

Shoutout Mr Yoder for being my model this dark and stormy night, and my friend every other night.


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