2025 02 14
Allison in moonlight. Douglas, Michigan. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Happy Valentines to my forever valentine, Allison. xoxo
2025 02 13
I’m going to sound like a boomer for a moment but I must say, I will never take for granted the sheer amount of things that happen, out of sight, in order to enable our lives to be smooth and easy. Easy is a very relative term, but that’s not my point. While it may feel like the world is rapidly spinning out of control at the moment, it is perhaps helpful to consider things could be far, far worse. It helps me, at least. A chicken in every pot.
Moving things; ill wandering; somewhere outside Streator, Illinois. November, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I’m going to sound like a boomer for a moment but I must say, I will never take for granted the sheer amount of things that happen, out of sight, in order to enable our lives to be smooth and easy. Easy is a very relative term, but that’s not my point. While it may feel like the world is rapidly spinning out of control at the moment, it is perhaps helpful to consider things could be far, far worse. It helps me, at least. A chicken in every pot.
2025 02 12
Skulls of Three Dots and a Dash. Chicago, Illinois. August, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
This image was made during a photo shoot. I’ve been using it as a background during my recent photo shoots (along with hundreds of other images). For the last week and a half, I’ve either been shooting or editing photos all day, every day. Yes, I’m a little burnt out, but I gotta keep at it for another week or so before I can get fully caught up.
Then it’s on to taxes.
It’s no wonder it felt appropriate to post this image today.
2025 02 10
Recently I had a creative breakthrough that is really carrying me lately.
I know, I know. It’s not a very profound realization, however, I kinda forgot how much music has driven my creative impulses over the years. I got into a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l of this largely because of music… shooting video and editing it to music. Making photos of nights revolving around music. Music drove everything!
I’m fortunate that I’ve found my own creative voice over the years but lately very much feel like I’m at a crossroads of sorts, both for personal and environmental reasons. Music has both helped keep me on course and inspired me to explore new paths. This year will surely be a defining one for me in a number of ways, but I’m fortunate to have rediscovered my love of music to help me navigate it.
How ‘bout them boys? The Bobcat Boys. See You Soon. Chicago, Illinois. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Recently I had a creative breakthrough that is really carrying me lately.
I know, I know. It’s not a very profound realization, however, I kinda forgot how much music has driven my creative impulses over the years. I got into a-l-l-l-l-l-l-l-l of this largely because of music… shooting video and editing it to music. Making photos of nights revolving around music. Music drove everything!
I’m fortunate that I’ve found my own creative voice over the years but lately very much feel like I’m at a crossroads of sorts, both for personal and environmental reasons. Music has both helped keep me on course and inspired me to explore new paths. This year will surely be a defining one for me in a number of ways, but I’m fortunate to have rediscovered my love of music to help me navigate it.
2025 02 09
Dave, game day ready. Chicago, Illinois. September, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Enjoy the big game, the big cheese, the big event, the big night, the big show, the big meal, the big bevvies, the big cahuna.
I wonder if, now that America is deciding it doesn’t want to run the world or police the world, we’ll become more modest in our sporting-event habits?
There is only so much money you can juice from the public before there is no more juice to squeeze, after all.
Anyway — Go team! I’m just here for the nachos.
2025 02 08
Shelby and her snake friend. Chicago, Illinois. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I’ve been living at the studio lately. Not sleeping, but here a lot. I’m writing this from here.
This very much feels like a make or break year for me when it comes to being a photographer. I’ll always be a photographer, of course, but the one who has a fancy studio and does big budget jobs? That might be nearing its end. Or maybe not. I can’t say, as most of the factors are completely out of my control. The good news is that I have no shortage of ideas on how to keep on keeping on and am more motivated than ever to do cool, fun, weird, art.
Life will happen and I will adapt, as humans do.
We don’t really like what you do.
We don’t think anyone ever will.
It’s a problem that you have.
And this problem made you ill.Listen up and I’ll tell you a story.
About an artist growing old.
Some would try for fame and glory.
Others aren’t so bold.The artist walks alone.
Someone says behind his back:
He’s got his gall to call himself that!
He doesn’t even know where he’s at!
Daniel Johnston, a forever favorite, was more wise than I will likely ever be.
Why do you only do that only? Why are you so odd?
2025 02 07
Another Busted Car. Chicago, Illinois. December, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Have I posted a Busted Car yet this year? I don’t think so!
I still need to find the time to do a test run of zines. I’ll probably use some Busted Car photos to fill the pages. They continue to call to me for reasons I don’t fully understand. A sign of the times, perhaps.
Also, I think it’s only a matter of time before minivans are cool again. Sure, nobody is having kids anymore but everyone loves their big fucking cars. Plus, they are more comfortable to live inside of!
Update: I did already post one, and it was the same car! See: 2025 01 13
2025 02 06
I’ll admit it, my strategy for keeping sane during the early days of Trump’s second term has been rapidly deteriorating the last few days. Talk of tariffs on our allies and a takeover of Gaza had me doomscrolling and contemplating the need to find a new home more than I’d like to admit. Avoiding the coverage morphed into obsessing over it and my mood began to match.
Fortunately, amidst the doom scrolling, I was reminded by Senator Chris Murphy that this is precisly Trump’s plan: to distract and overwhelm while they sneak through the actual agenda. Then, today, this great video below popped into my feed. Ezra managed to calm my nerves and restore some sanity.
While this storm is far from over, it’s a valuable lesson that we should keep calm and carry on, as our friends across the pond (who surely will soon be threatened with tariffs or much worse) so like to say.
Caution: Falling Ice, Tariffs, Invasion, Nuclear War… Chicago, Illinois. January, 2025. © Clayton Hauck
I’ll admit it, my strategy for keeping sane during the early days of Trump’s second term has been rapidly deteriorating the last few days. Talk of tariffs on our allies and a takeover of Gaza had me doomscrolling and contemplating the need to find a new home more than I’d like to admit. Avoiding the coverage morphed into obsessing over it and my mood began to match.
Fortunately, amidst the doom scrolling, I was reminded by Senator Chris Murphy that this is precisly Trump’s plan: to distract and overwhelm while they sneak through the actual agenda. Then, today, this great video below popped into my feed. Ezra managed to calm my nerves and restore some sanity.
While this storm is far from over, it’s a valuable lesson that we should keep calm and carry on, as our friends across the pond (who surely will soon be threatened with tariffs or much worse) so like to say.
2025 02 05
Here’s a portrait from my Keep it 100 portrait setup, which I am offering all this week at my See You Soon studio. Sign up for a session and get some photos made of yourself, why don’t you? Just this week, I’ve started incorporating short interviews along with each subject who wishes to participate. I will eventually package them into blog form, I just need to figure out where that blog will live (its own website, here, or within the studio website, more likely).
This image was made with my new petzval lens, which I bough specifically for exploring within this setup (downside is no autofocus).
Madeline. See You Soon, Chicago, Illinois. November, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Here’s a portrait from my Keep it 100 portrait setup, which I am offering all this week at my See You Soon studio. Sign up for a session and get some photos made of yourself, why don’t you? Just this week, I’ve started incorporating short interviews along with each subject who wishes to participate. I will eventually package them into blog form, I just need to figure out where that blog will live (its own website, here, or within the studio website, more likely).
This image was made with my new petzval lens, which I bough specifically for exploring within this setup (downside is no autofocus).
2025 02 04
Somewhere outside Woodstock, Illinois. December, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I can’t wait to get on the road again. Excited to see what Illinois (Ill) Wandering brings me this year, if I can find the time to get to it.
2025 02 03
It’s days like today I’m glad to not be working in retail… or global trade and finance, homebuilding, agriculture, automotive and aviation, crypto, anything dealing directly with Canada or Mexico, steel, arts nonprofits, USAid, Temu customer support… fortunately I am merely a humble photographic button pusher. Let me push my buttons for you?
PS: I should probably get back into shooting weddings.
Dresses for sale! Chicago, Illinois. January, 2025. © Clayton Hauck
It’s days like today I’m glad to not be working in retail… or global trade and finance, homebuilding, agriculture, automotive and aviation, crypto, anything dealing directly with Canada or Mexico, steel, arts nonprofits, the Democratic Party, USAid, Temu customer support… fortunately I am merely a humble photographic button pusher. Let me push my buttons for you?
PS: I should probably get back into shooting weddings.
2025 02 02
“You know, people just don’t understand what is involved in this — this is an art form! You know, I think that most people just think that I hold a camera and point it at stuff, but there’s a heck of a lot more to it than just that.”
-Larry, talking to a woman at the bar, towards the end of Groundhog Day.
I’d never caught that moment before, but I still love the movie, despite them making the photojournalist the lamest character involved.
It’s Buddy the dog, but did he see his shadow? Chicago, Illinois. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
“You know, people just don’t understand what is involved in this — this is an art form! You know, I think that most people just think that I hold a camera and point it at stuff, but there’s a heck of a lot more to it than just that.”
-Larry, talking to a woman at the bar, towards the end of Groundhog Day.
I’d never caught that moment before, but I still love the movie, despite them making the photojournalist the lamest character involved.
2025 02 01
Have you had your (twenty-fourth) dopamine fix yet today?
Scott went hard on this one. Always worth reading but this one should be mandatory for everyone.
Today’s reading: Addiction Economy by future president Scott Galloway
Discarded dopamine value meal. Chicago, Illinois. December, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Have you had your (twenty-fourth) dopamine fix yet today?
Scott went hard on this one. Always worth reading but this one should be mandatory for everyone.
Today’s reading: Addiction Economy by future president Scott Galloway
2025 01 31
New year, new growth. Let’s check in. See You Soon, Chicago, Illinois. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
We’re a month in and I woke up inspired to write a post going through my various focuses for this year to check in and see if there’s been noticeable progress. Surely this will be more useful for myself, however, I do think others may take some value from my perspective, so figured I would share it publicly.
Recap of the topics to cover, with more thinking behind each of them, are:
One month is not a very long time, but I think it’s interesting to see which areas I’ve decided to dedicate my time to. I’m very much a go-with-the-flow, listen to the universe kinda guy, so things may be vastly different come summer time.
One. The Illinois Project aka focusing more on a big personal photography project. Some personal work has happened, however, we’ll discuss that more when we get to Number Eight. The Illinois Project is still very much alive in my brain, but it is also dawning on me how big of an idea this is, which realistically will take me many years to get to a place where I have something meaningful. I’m still very motivated to pursue this idea this year and recently attended a webinar through Filter with photographer/author Tim Carpenter which helped focus my brain a bit more towards ways of making this idea a reality. Finding the time has been challenging this month.
Two. Documentary Project. This is one that I have completely sidelined this month. That said, my partners in the project have been busy on other projects so nobody had been pushing things forward. This changed yesterday and it now sounds like we’ll get moving on this project, full steam ahead, next week. My participation will likely change slightly as well, but the takeaway for me is that I had unrealistic expectations of myself and they needed to change. Amazing footage is worthless if it only exists in your head. We need to get moving if this project is going to become something, and we are doing that next week. I still don’t have all my video shit figured out, still need a camera, still need to plan and learn, but really I don’t need any of these things. I only need to do.
Realistically, this might be the area I spend the most time on this year (along with shooting video for myself) but I will also need to heavily lean on others to make it happen. This documentary is kind of an analogy and exploration of this artistic struggle I am currently experiencing and writing about here, so it feels very prescient in many ways.
Three. Photobook Store. The only progress made was running into a friend while out wandering the streets who has also been thinking about this idea. We will connect next week and see if it can go somewhere beyond our brains. I continue to think this idea is a great one, while also understanding this idea will require a lot of time. The only realistic way for me to make it a reality is to partner with others (the big theme this year!). Beyond the photobook shop, I have even grander dreams and visions which, depending on how things play out, may also be explored. Time will tell.
Four. Commercial Food & Beverage Photography. Zero progress has been made here beyond editing a large food project we shot late last year. This editing process has confirmed my belief that it is a good idea to pursue, I’m just worried it might not be the one that lights a fire under my ass. It feels like the safe bet (which scares me because commercial photography, generally, is far from a safe bet). Back burner.
Five. Portrait Studio. Come by and shoot with me next week! I’ve got the setup going Feb 3-11 and this continues to excite me while also understanding this venture is both wildly time consuming and challenging to make a bunch of money at. It’s sort of a creative outlet side project, but also I have some fun ideas I am exploring that might turn it into a larger thing. I still love the idea of taking the setup on the road sometime this year. Pittsburgh, maybe? Anyone need some fun portraits in Pittsburgh? Hit me up!
There was also a lot of time spent on the idea of expanding the studio to better accommodate portraits but we’ll get into that in the last section.
Six. Opening a Bar. I mentioned going with the flow and the flow very much pushed me towards opening a bar this month. Remarkably, a nearby bar went up for sale and, along with a friend, we seriously explored buying it and running it ourselves. The place was named after a photographer (it’s Weegees for any locals paying attention), does great cocktails, has a great classic vibe, outdoor patio, and is walking distance from my home and studio. It made sense in so many ways and felt like fate was taking a hold of my life. But it did not work out. It did, however, open a can of worms which had my brain bouncing around to all sorts of places, the through line of which was that they were not photography. Consideration of a big career shift. The struggle is real, the times are tough, the trends bad, and I’m not so sure the course is correctable this time. This will be an ongoing struggle all year, I’m sure but let’s leave it at that for now.
Seven. This here blog. Yes! I am continuing it but will not be writing as much or as often as I had been previously (or am today, yikes!). I do still love it here and want to keep the thing going, but will lean on simple single-image posts much of the time. I’m also itching to attempt some more narrative fiction writing when I have downtime and may begin to post that here as well. Apologies in advance!
Eight. Street photography. I got ambitious and made an elaborate creative resolution that I would get my ass out of the house once a week and “do something creative for myself.” At the core of that idea is wandering and making street photos. I got off to a nice start and put a half day into shooting, posting to IG, and felt good about it all. Since then, I’ve only gone out once more and ended up doing far more socializing (and drinking) than photo taking. The key to keeping this going, I think, will be to allow myself grace and not make it such a rigid process. There are a hundred ideas floating around in my head and, as always, finding the time to work on them will be the limiting factor and doesn’t make me a failure if I don’t get to them as much as I’d like.
Nine. Studio as an event space… this has been an interesting subject. I spent far too much time dreaming and scheming this month and most of it was relating to buying the bar (that we failed to do. See: Six) or expanding my existing See You Soon studio (which I’ve likely also failed to do). Oftentimes I get these grand visions that just feel right and make so much sense in my head. At the core of this idea is diversification and the big theme for the year: partnering with others. I know I need to lean on others to accomplish any of the big ideas I’d love to accomplish. Running the studio is no exception. Having a larger space, while more expensive (scary!) offers more flexibility and capacity for more people. The problem I’m finding is that nobody wants to take risks right now. Nobody wants to spend money. And this instinct is probably not wrong!
In the end, I can’t continue to be the one putting all the pressure on myself alone. I’m trying to find others to help carry the load but so far I’m not having much success. We’ve got something good going here and I hope to continue it. Luckily the year is young.
Have a great weekend! If you read some (or all!?) of this post, I appreciate you and I hope you took something worthwhile from it. If not, well, I suggest checking out social media — it’s full of cheap thrills!
2025 01 30
I used to joke that street tags could all be translated to “I exist!”
These days, we’re all steeet tagging digitally through the social apps we used, being forced to constantly remind the world we exist in a desperate plea to please the almighty algorithm and gain a sliver on traction in the attention economy we live in. It’s exhausting.
I walk this stretch often and watched the artist spend days painting this mural. Then the tags go up in an instance, crowding out any detail and nuance. Tagging is very much an art form fit for our time. Do we really exist if nobody sees your post on socials or name sprayed on a side street wall?
Wall filled with -a-r-t- tags. Chicago, Illinois. November, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I used to joke that street tags could all be translated to “I exist!”
These days, we’re all street tagging digitally through the social apps we use, being forced to constantly remind the world we exist in a desperate plea to please the almighty algorithm and gain a sliver on traction in the attention economy we live in. It’s exhausting.
I walk this stretch often and watched the artist spend days painting this mural. Then the tags go up in an instance, crowding out any detail and nuance. Tagging is very much an art form fit for our time. Do we really exist if nobody sees our post on social or name sprayed on a side street wall? Maybe not, after all.
Like, comment, subscribe, and come back tomorrow for more gem takes like this.
2025 01 29
Here’s an example of an image which I like, but in reality is probably not a great image. It’s missing something that makes is special, yet has elements which make it special to me, as I lived the moment and it triggers things inside my head that an uninvolved onlooker (you) won’t have access to. I’d built up an elaborate narrative in my head about this man and what he was up to, which gave this image a story. The dreary setting only adds to the mystique for me, however, you likely look at it and see a boring parkscape, devoid of excitment. Could this image work in a series, with other images, giving it more meaning? Maybe. Does it hold up on it’s own as a single? No.
What do you think?
It does serve as a reminder for me that I need to get my ass back out on the road and make new work. I’ve been spending far too much time in my head, dreaming up new ideas that may never lead anywhere.
Man walks through park with dog. Champagne, Illinois. April, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Here’s an example of an image which I like, but in reality is probably not a great image. It’s missing something that makes is special, yet has elements which make it special to me, as I lived the moment and it triggers things inside my head that an uninvolved onlooker (you) won’t have access to. I’d built up an elaborate narrative in my head about this man and what he was up to, which gave this image a story. The dreary setting only adds to the mystique for me, however, you likely look at it and see a boring parkscape, devoid of excitment. Could this image work in a series, with other images, giving it more meaning? Maybe. Does it hold up on it’s own as a single? No.
What do you think?
It does serve as a reminder for me that I need to get my ass back out on the road and make new work. I’ve been spending far too much time in my head, dreaming up new ideas that may never lead anywhere.
2025 01 28
Buddy the dog. Chicago, Illinois. January, 2025. © Clayton Hauck
One of the first images made with my new Ricoh GRiii (it has a wider lens, hdf filter, and less dust on the sensor than my Ricoh GRiiix).
It’s always nice to have a pet in the house to use as a test subject when working with new cameras. Buddy didn’t mind.
2025 01 27
I’ve been printing a ton lately! Above are sixteen of my own images that I am offering for sale, reasonably-priced, to anyone looking to add a little joy to their walls. You can check out the whole series and place an order if so inclined here! These prints were all made by myself, using high quality paper and archival ink, in my secret print shop at the studio, for a show that just wrapped up in the lobby of my studio’s building (the Kimball Arts Center). While I have been printing a lot, I haven’t been selling nearly as much. It’s a goal this year to get better about selling (or giving away!) what I print before continuing to stockpile what I’ve already made. Everything is a process. One step at a time.
I’m also currently working on a large print order (not my images) which paid enough for me to buy a bunch of new paper that I plan to use making zines and more postcards. None of this is really making me money (yet?), but it’s been a fun new hobby and I can see myself doing lots more printing in the coming years, perhaps even making it more of a focus of my photography practice in one way or another (no shortage of ideas!).
So yeah, if you’re a local photographer looking to print some of your work, reach out! Or, check out the website I put together to sell my own prints and pass me your email to be entered to win a free future print drop. I’d love to keep releasing new images but I need to discontinue or sell out a few of the previous releases first!
Sixteen of my limited edition prints. See You Soon. Chicago, Illinois. November, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I’ve been printing a ton lately! Above are sixteen of my own images that I am offering for sale, reasonably-priced, to anyone looking to add a little joy to their walls. You can check out the whole series and place an order if so inclined here! These prints were all made by myself, using high quality paper and archival ink, in my secret print shop at the studio, for a show that just wrapped up in the lobby of my studio’s building (the Kimball Arts Center). While I have been printing a lot, I haven’t been selling nearly as much. It’s a goal this year to get better about selling (or giving away!) what I print before continuing to stockpile what I’ve already made. Everything is a process. One step at a time.
I’m also currently working on a large print order (not my images) which paid enough for me to buy a bunch of new paper that I plan to use making zines and more postcards. None of this is really making me money (yet?), but it’s been a fun new hobby and I can see myself doing lots more printing in the coming years, perhaps even making it more of a focus of my photography practice in one way or another (no shortage of ideas!).
So yeah, if you’re a local photographer looking to print some of your work, reach out! Or, check out the website I put together to sell my own prints and pass me your email to be entered to win a free future print drop. I’d love to keep releasing new images but I need to discontinue or sell out a few of the previous releases first!