2024 06 13
Spring tree. Chicago, Illinois. April, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I don’t have time for this shit!
The crazy thing about doing a post every single day is making the days like today happen, when you really don’t have the time for it. But you do, of course. You just choose to prioritize other things. It’s so easy to tell yourself you’ll get back to it tomorrow. You’ll do it another day. Days turn to weeks turn to months. That’s the gist of why I decided to force myself to stick to the daily post schedule. Even when I don’t have time for it.
Sure, not every day will be pretty or filled with wisdoms or amazing writing, but it’s a rewiring of the brain I’m after. Focus. Keep after it. Now that my posts are slipping, in some ways, perhaps I’ll find the motivation to prioritize more time to this process, instead of frantically scrambling to get something up just for the sake of it.
Damn, another vertical image today.