Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 09 18

This is what my laptop desktop has looked like for about a year now. Instead of locating the folder I need on the desktop, Iā€™ll open any random folder and use the search bar to type for it instead. My schedule, and my thoughts and focus, have been all over the place. Iā€™ve been telling myself for months now that I will get around to organizing the desktop, and the studio, and the house, and my time. Yet, here we are, still scrambling.

I think this is a nice analogy for my life and a sign that I really ought to get my priorities a bit more straight. This is not to say I need a complete change in lifestyle, but better balance would be beneficial. Itā€™s impossible to shine when you have a million tasks in front of you, blocking your view.

We watched Civil War last night. The movie is just okay but it got me feeling nostalgic for a different era of photography and photojournalism. Shooting film and developing film yourself while on the move. The movie got me wanting to get out and make more photos. The movie also got me wanting to make a movie myself. This post reminded me that I wanted to write some thoughts about the seasons and why I prefer living in a place like Chicago, where they are clearly defined (although increasingly less so these days).

Last week, I hosted a favorite musician in my space, David Dondero, for an incredible night, which was lightly attended. On Friday of this week, I am hosting a favorite Illinois photographer Nathan Pearce, which my negative-thinking brain assumes will also be lightly attended as itā€™s an afternoon affair. As Iā€™m getting older, Iā€™m learning that dwelling on the negative things doesnā€™t serve much good, and while I donā€™t yet believe in manifesting your reality, I see the point of people who do. More importantly, however, the takeaway is that I need to improve in communicating. Itā€™s no easy task. Iā€™ve always been wary of anything that feels like selling, but if I want people to participate in these things I am choosing to invest my time and energy in, itā€™s a non-negotiable!

This post has been as scattered as my brain has been felling, so Iā€™m glad I could give you a taste of what I live with. Hope you can make it out on Friday!


Springtime in Humboldt Park. Chicago, Illinois. March, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

This is what my laptop desktop has looked like for about a year now. Instead of locating the folder I need on the desktop, Iā€™ll open any random folder and use the search bar to type for it instead. My schedule, and my thoughts and focus, have been all over the place. Iā€™ve been telling myself for months now that I will get around to organizing the desktop, and the studio, and the house, and my time. Yet, here we are, still scrambling.

I think this is a nice analogy for my life and a sign that I really ought to get my priorities a bit more straight. This is not to say I need a complete change in lifestyle, but better balance would be beneficial. Itā€™s impossible to shine when you have a million tasks in front of you, blocking your view.

We watched Civil War last night. The movie is just okay but it got me feeling nostalgic for a different era of photography and photojournalism. Shooting film and developing film yourself while on the move. The movie got me wanting to get out and make more photos. The movie also got me wanting to make a movie myself. This post reminded me that I wanted to write some thoughts about the seasons and why I prefer living in a place like Chicago, where they are clearly defined (although increasingly less so these days).

Last week, I hosted a favorite musician in my space, David Dondero, for an incredible night, which was lightly attended. On Friday of this week, I am hosting a favorite Illinois photographer Nathan Pearce, which my negative-thinking brain assumes will also be lightly attended as itā€™s an afternoon affair. As Iā€™m getting older, Iā€™m learning that dwelling on the negative things doesnā€™t serve much good, and while I donā€™t yet believe in manifesting your reality, I see the point of people who do. More importantly, however, the takeaway is that I need to improve in communicating. Itā€™s no easy task. Iā€™ve always been wary of anything that feels like selling, but if I want people to participate in these things I am choosing to invest my time and energy in, itā€™s a non-negotiable!

This post has been as scattered as my brain has been felling, so Iā€™m glad I could give you a taste of what I live with. Hope you can make it out on Friday!


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 07 10

Time, the ever-flowing river. It keeps on moving. The clock keeps on ticking. If you donā€™t have a photo lined up for the following day, you end up running a photo of a no parking sign. Suck it up. Maybe weā€™ll get ā€˜em tomorrow. Canā€™t win ā€˜em all, as they say.

As far as photos of parking signs go, however, it is a nice one!


No parking, tow zone. Chicago, Illinois. May, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

Time, the ever-flowing river. It keeps on moving. The clock keeps on ticking. If you donā€™t have a photo lined up for the following day, you end up running a photo of a no parking sign. Suck it up. Maybe weā€™ll get ā€˜em tomorrow. Canā€™t win ā€˜em all, as they say.

As far as photos of parking signs go, however, it is a nice one!


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 06 13

I donā€™t have time for this shit!

The crazy thing about doing a post every single day is making the days like today happen, when you really donā€™t have the time for it. But you do, of course. You just choose to prioritize other things. Itā€™s so easy to tell yourself youā€™ll get back to it tomorrow. Youā€™ll do it another day. Days turn to weeks turn to months. Thatā€™s the gist of why I decided to force myself to stick to the daily post schedule. Even when I donā€™t have time for it.

Sure, not every day will be pretty or filled with wisdoms or amazing writing, but itā€™s a rewiring of the brain Iā€™m after. Focus. Keep after it. Now that my posts are slipping, in some ways, perhaps Iā€™ll find the motivation to prioritize more time to this process, instead of frantically scrambling to get something up just for the sake of it.


Spring tree. Chicago, Illinois. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

I donā€™t have time for this shit!

The crazy thing about doing a post every single day is making the days like today happen, when you really donā€™t have the time for it. But you do, of course. You just choose to prioritize other things. Itā€™s so easy to tell yourself youā€™ll get back to it tomorrow. Youā€™ll do it another day. Days turn to weeks turn to months. Thatā€™s the gist of why I decided to force myself to stick to the daily post schedule. Even when I donā€™t have time for it.

Sure, not every day will be pretty or filled with wisdoms or amazing writing, but itā€™s a rewiring of the brain Iā€™m after. Focus. Keep after it. Now that my posts are slipping, in some ways, perhaps Iā€™ll find the motivation to prioritize more time to this process, instead of frantically scrambling to get something up just for the sake of it.

Damn, another vertical image today.


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 06 11

Hereā€™s a silly little story because it popped into my head and I donā€™t have anything else to write about:

One day a number of years ago, I was working on a project for a nonprofit which I was really excited about. The client had asked me, in addition to a half dozen other Chicago photographers, all of which I looked up to, to capture the city over the course of a summer. Each of us was assigned a few neighborhoods which we could document more or less as we pleased. It was a self assignment which I turned into a competition. I was motivated to make the best photos I could to stand out among a distinguished crowd.

As is often the case in any photographerā€™s career-path-to-cynic,

Spring blossoms. Chicago, Illinois. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

Hereā€™s a silly little memory that popped into my head:

One day a number of years ago, I was working on a project for a nonprofit which I was really excited about. The client had asked me, in addition to a half dozen other Chicago photographers, all of which I respected, to capture the city over the course of a summer. Each of us was assigned a few neighborhoods which we could document more or less as we pleased. It was a self assignment which I turned into a competition. I was motivated to make the best work I could to stand out among a distinguished crowd.

The silly moment was this: having been assigned Humboldt Park, my own neighborhood, I made a weekend out of the annual Puerto Rican pride celebrations which were happening all around my house. Setting out to document the parade one day, I stopped off at a recently-opened park along The 606 trail to photograph it. Hunting for some unique angle among the large kidā€™s netting, I was focused on my compositions when an angry mom snapped at me for taking photos of her children innocently playing on the play set.

ā€œOh no, maā€™am, Iā€™m an important documentary photographer capturing Chicagoā€™s neighborhoods for a big important project.ā€ I said to myself, while mustering up something hopefully less self-important to her. In an effort to assure her I was, indeed, on the up and up, I offered to show her the images on the back of my camera, to give her a sense of what I was out documenting. Luckily for me, she took my word for it, because when I myself glanced down at the screen, the image staring up at me was of small children on the little roller coaster ride which was set up in the park at the carnival, which I had just made at the end of the previous day on my walk home. Had she seen this image, which seemed impossible to explain away, thereā€™s no telling what mightā€™ve happened.

As is often the case in any photographerā€™s career-path-to-cynic, this project largely stalled and never became the big and important work I had imagined it was going to become the day I photographed children playing in the park. At least I had a nice laugh to myself about how absurd that entire situation was, which likely only a weirdo photographer like myself can fully appreciate.


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 06 07

I have a ton of photos of bare trees still in the queue, but now that itā€™s summer and the trees are full, it feels weird to post them. Perhaps I will hold on to them for next year and keep things more seasonally-appropriate. What this blog even is is still being considered. Is it a photo blog? Is it a words blog that is photo-centric? Iā€™ve been thinking more about how words pair with images since the Alec Soth video I talked about a few days back. Generally speaking, I am enjoying this blog simply for the fact that it is allowing me to consider these things at all. These days, I donā€™t have time for watching baseball because my daily blog is keeping me in line. Also, the Chicago baseball teams arenā€™t helping their cause ā€” I tuned into the Cubs vs Sox game a few nights back and it was borderline unwatchable.



Bare tree in spring. Vincennes, Indiana. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

I have a ton of photos of bare trees still in the queue, but now that itā€™s summer and the trees are full, it feels weird to post them. Perhaps I will hold on to them for next year and keep things more seasonally-appropriate. What this blog even is is still being considered. Is it a photo blog? Is it a words blog that is photo-centric? Iā€™ve been thinking more about how words pair with images since the Alec Soth video I talked about a few days back. Generally speaking, I am enjoying this blog simply for the fact that it is allowing me to consider these things at all. These days, I donā€™t have time for watching baseball because my daily blog is keeping me in line. Also, the Chicago baseball teams arenā€™t helping their cause ā€” I tuned into the Cubs vs Sox game a few nights back and it was borderline unwatchable.



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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 05 12

Happy Mothers Day! Apologies for posting late, mom. Yes, everything is fineā€¦ Iā€™m just falling behind on my blog post scheduling.


Flowering tree in spring. Vincennes, Indiana. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

Happy Mothers Day! Apologies for posting late, mom. Yes, everything is fineā€¦ Iā€™m just falling behind on my blog post scheduling. Hope you had a great day, moms!


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 04 29

This website has become a filter of sorts. After making images, they get edited down to my selects, which then get color and tone adjusted and saved into another folder. Then, those selects get edited down again and moved into another folder meant to go towards various social media or websites, including this one. When I go to make a new blog entry, I browse the Pointing at Stuff website folder and see which images are still feeling good enough to post or are no longer feeling as excited and get scrapped.

This image, while a simple moment without much action, is one that I feel good about. Itā€™s a bit of a new perspective for me, taking images of simple moments like this that I come across while out and about. This is not to say I havenā€™t previously made photos but that my eye is now hunting for ā€œart photosā€ that may fit into a bigger body of work. Once you combine images and juxtapose different frames, new meanings and vibes get formed which can then be further explored and created upon.

Anyway, none of this may make sense and you may dislike this image, but Iā€™m enjoying my new found perspective on photography and plan to continue pursuing it to see where it takes me.


A car rest wrapped in the drive awaiting nicer weather. Peru, Illinois. March, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

This website has become a filter of sorts. After making images, they get edited down to my selects, which then get color and tone adjusted and saved into another folder. Then, those selects get edited down again and moved into another folder meant to go towards various social media or websites, including this one. When I go to make a new blog entry, I browse the Pointing at Stuff website folder and see which images are still feeling good enough to post or are no longer feeling as excited and get scrapped.

This image, while a simple moment without much action, is one that I feel good about. Itā€™s a bit of a new perspective for me, taking images of simple moments like this that I come across while out and about. This is not to say I havenā€™t previously made photos but that my eye is now hunting for ā€œart photosā€ that may fit into a bigger body of work. Once you combine images and juxtapose different frames, new meanings and vibes get formed which can then be further explored and created upon.

Anyway, none of this may make sense and you may dislike this image, but Iā€™m enjoying my new found perspective on photography and plan to continue pursuing it to see where it takes me.


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Clayton Hauck Clayton Hauck

2024 04 28

If you read yesterdayā€™s post, this is the scene we came across while walking home from bar dinner.

If you read Thursdayā€™s post, this is me embracing using new photographic tools. Iā€™ve written about it here before, but Iā€™ve been loving the Lapse app in my iPhone. While Iā€™ve been trying to use my phone less for image making (thus, carrying around a Ricoh everywhere I go), I do love the snapshot aesthetic this app provides, along with the date and time, which is a fun throwback to point and shoot film cameras. The only downside is the files you get from it are not very big. I imagine the app creators donā€™t want to host full-sized images on their servers to save money, but if you could pay for a ā€œproā€ version which allowed maximum resolution, I would totally give them my money.

For the first time in my pro photography career, Iā€™m finding myself wanting more, new, different cameras! I just need to make sure I donā€™t revert back into the gear-head person who cared more about what equipment he had than the images being made from that equipment.


Spring flower pops up in an unexpected place. Chicago, Illinois. April, 2024. Ā© Clayton Hauck

If you read yesterdayā€™s post, this is the scene we came across while walking home from bar dinner.

If you read Thursdayā€™s post, this is me embracing using new photographic tools. Iā€™ve written about it here before, but Iā€™ve been loving the Lapse app in my iPhone. While Iā€™ve been trying to use my phone less for image making (thus, carrying around a Ricoh everywhere I go), I do love the snapshot aesthetic this app provides, along with the date and time, which is a fun throwback to point and shoot film cameras. The only downside is the files you get from it are not very big. I imagine the app creators donā€™t want to host full-sized images on their servers to save money, but if you could pay for a ā€œproā€ version which allowed maximum resolution, I would totally give them my money.

For the first time in my pro photography career, Iā€™m finding myself wanting more, new, different cameras! I just need to make sure I donā€™t revert back into the gear-head person who cared more about what equipment he had than the images being made from that equipment.


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