2024 12 29
Becoming a Top Commercial Food & Beverage Photographer in 2025
A big part of why I decided to make a photo studio happen in the waning days of the covid lockdowns was that prior to covid I’d been getting a lot of food/beverage job inquiries, didn’t have a studio space, and I thought people would be itching to get back out and do shit, make shit, mingle, once the lockdowns were over. While I wasn’t too off in my assessment, where I went wrong was determining what the shit was. I suspected the photo studio would mostly be busy with photo shoots, both of my own and other photographers. While surely, we have done a number of large projects in the space over the last ~three years, it has been more heavily used as an event space and portrait studio than the food and beverage studio which I imagined. This is largely on me. All of those food/beverage job inquiries I’d been getting sort of organically stopped happening once I had the studio in place, and I didn’t put much effort into changing that. Instead, I focused on the portrait and people work and put lots of effort into hosting events, which I was really enjoying, and various side projects.
I don’t regret any of this, but I have been wondering if I should put my focus back on the food/beverage work that I’d imagined primarily utilizing the space for. Last week, we wrapped a large food project that I really enjoyed. I did a cookbook shoot earlier in the year which I also really loved and wish I could do more of. Neither of those projects actually happened in the studio I designed to accommodate them, ironically.
As is sometimes the case in life, when you expect something will happen, the world has a funny way of making sure the opposite thing happens. That said, the studio is still an amazing place to do food/beverage photography, and it would be a no brainer for me to put more effort into make that happen next year, be it my own shoots or those of others. After a challenging few years in the commercial photography industry, things are trending better right now and I hope it continues into the new year.
Additionally, there are already plans to do more high end motion spec work to help land new clients. Of course, at the end of the day, these things are time consuming, challenging, and it will be an ongoing process and big commitment to get where I think we can, if we stick with it. I’m consistently inspired and motivated by the Cleveland shop BurkleHagen, and think we could be a similar resource for brands looking for top tier, beautiful, fresh food/beverage photography and video. The challenge is that I really love pursuing lots of different creative avenues, and this idea would largely require a full-time, all-in effort. I think I have some decisions to make and I think the health of the commercial market will likely help guide me in making them, but that’s a more complicated subject for a different day.
Do not eat. Wilmette, Illinois. October, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Becoming a Top Commercial Food & Beverage Photographer in 2025
A big part of why I decided to make a photo studio happen in the waning days of the covid lockdowns was that prior to covid I’d been getting a lot of food/beverage job inquiries, didn’t have a studio space, and I thought people would be itching to get back out and do shit, make shit, mingle, once the lockdowns were over. While I wasn’t too off in my assessment, where I went wrong was determining what the shit was. I suspected the photo studio would mostly be busy with photo shoots, both of my own and other photographers. While surely, we have done a number of large projects in the space over the last ~three years, it has been more heavily used as an event space and portrait studio than the food and beverage studio I’d imagined. This is largely on me. All of those food/beverage job inquiries I’d been getting sort of organically stopped happening once I had the studio in place, and I didn’t put much effort into changing that. Instead, I focused on the portrait and people work and put lots of effort into hosting events, which I was really enjoying, along with various side projects.
I don’t regret any of this, but I have been wondering if I should put my focus back on the food/beverage work that I’d imagined primarily utilizing the space for. Last week, we wrapped a large food project that I really enjoyed. I did a cookbook shoot earlier in the year which I also really loved and wish I could do more of. Neither of those projects actually happened in the studio I designed to accommodate them, ironically.
As is sometimes the case in life, when you expect something will happen, the world has a funny way of making sure the opposite thing happens. That said, the studio is still an amazing place to do food/beverage photography, and it would be a no brainer for me to put more effort into making that happen next year, be it my own shoots or those of others. After a challenging few years in the commercial photography industry, things are trending better right now and I can only hope it continues.
Additionally, there are already plans to do more high end motion spec work to help land new clients. Of course, at the end of the day, these things are time consuming, challenging, and it will be an ongoing process and big commitment to get where I think we can, if we stick with it. I’m consistently inspired and motivated by the Cleveland shop BurkleHagen, and think we could be a similar resource for brands looking for top tier, beautiful, fresh food/beverage photography and video. The challenge is that I really love pursuing lots of different creative avenues, and this idea would largely require a full-time, all-in effort. I think I have some decisions to make and I think the health of the commercial market will likely help guide me in making them, but that’s a more complicated subject for a different day.
This is one entry in a multi-part series of self-exploration and contemplation-out-loud in advance of the new calendar year. Some of this may happen; none of this may happen.
For the complete list of posts, see 2024 12 25.
2024 09 27
I love living in a place with defined seasons. I love how the weather became noticeably spookier a few days ago. I love that weather can, in fact, be spooky. I could do without all the spider webs, however.
We’re about to watch a scary movie. Embrace the spooky.
A nighttime stroll. Wilmette, Illinois. May, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
I love living in a place with defined seasons. I love how the weather became noticeably spookier a few days ago. I love that weather can, in fact, be spooky. I could do without all the spider webs, however.
We’re about to watch a scary movie. Embrace the spooky.
2024 08 14
This is not a politics blog.
I did have some thoughts while out on a run this morning that I wanted to put into words. Previously, my thinking was that, post-disaster-presidential-debate, there was no way both candidates would not be on the ballot come November. Well, after some likely strong-arming by Democratic leadership behind the scenes, Biden did step aside, remarkably. This, obviously, changed the entire dynamic of the race in ways most of us likely did not expect. While the dust is still settling, it seems clear that Trump no longer seems like the likely winner in the upcoming election.
All that said, I just wanted to get a dated, on-the-record prediction that I now think it’s highly unlikely that Trump remains on the ticket. It’s still far from a guaranteed outcome, but I’d give it healthy odds: say, 5:1.
The most interesting outcome would be to see Trump take some kind of back-room plea deal and step aside to let Nikki Haley run atop the ticket (legalities of this may be dubious but surely they’d find a way), but I doubt the Grand Old Party would allow a woman to step into the role as they likely see having a man up there against a woman as their clear advantage. Time will tell. Crazier things have happened. We still may be stuck with the orange guy for another four plus years. I’m not getting too excited just yet.
This is not a politics blog.
Man, woman, dog. It’s the dog days of political summer. Wilmette, Illinois. June, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
This is not a politics blog.
I did have some thoughts while out on a run this morning that I wanted to put into words. Previously, my thinking was that, post-disaster-presidential-debate, there was no way both candidates would be on the ballot come November (see: 2024 06 28). Well, after some likely strong-arming by Democratic leadership behind the scenes, Biden did step aside, remarkably. This, obviously, changed the entire dynamic of the race in ways most of us likely did not expect. While the dust is still settling, it seems clear that Trump no longer seems like the clear favorite in the upcoming election.
All that said, I just wanted to get a dated, on-the-record prediction: that I now think it’s somewhat unlikely that Trump remains on the ticket himself. It’s still far from a guaranteed outcome, but I’d give it healthy odds: say, 5:1.
The most interesting outcome would be to see Trump take some kind of back-room plea deal and step aside to let Nikki Haley run atop the ticket (legalities of this may be dubious but surely they’d find a way), but I doubt the Grand Old Party would allow a woman to step into the role as they likely see having a man up there against a woman as their clear advantage. Time will tell. Crazier things have happened. We still may be stuck with the orange guy for another four plus years. I’m not getting too excited just yet.
This is not a politics blog.
2024 07 27
Today, an image of a rainbow. My career backup plan is to start a company making positive affirmation calendars. I’m heading up to Milwaukee this weekend to workshop this idea with some potential partners, along with hitting the lake to capture some fresh duck imagery. I’m optimistic we’ll have a successful workshop session and next week, I’ll be back with an endless supply of positivity, healing, and fresh vibes for the blog. Have a fulfilling weekend, everyone!
Rainbow in Wilmette, Illinois. June, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Today, an image of a rainbow. My career backup plan is to start a company making positive affirmation calendars. I’m heading up to Milwaukee this weekend to workshop this idea with some potential partners, along with hitting the lake to capture some fresh duck imagery. I’m optimistic we’ll have a successful workshop session and next week, I’ll be back with an endless supply of positivity, healing, and fresh vibes for the blog. Have a fulfilling weekend, everyone!
2024 07 06
Being about halfway through a year of daily blogging, I’m finding myself wondering the benefits of doing this. While I’m not considering stopping, I am wondering if the strict requirement of posting each day is helpful or if it’s more likely causing me unnecessary stress and leading to boring posts nobody cares to look at, thus bringing down the overall quality of the entire project.
Yeah, I’m an over-thinker.
The image I’m sharing today is a nice callback to the first post (2024 01 01). It was taken in nearly the same location at nearly the same (seasonally-relative) time of day, with only the trees providing a variation with their leaves.
My sister is in town staying with us and she’s always doing something fun and creative (which I often end up copying). This time, it’s The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. One process the book teaches is doing your “daily pages”, which is basically writing three pages in a notebook first thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be pretty — just get it on the page! Brain drain style. I love the concept behind this process. It also had me wondering how much of this here blog is actually my organic version of morning pages; my version of therapy.
Moon through trees. Wilmette, Illinois. May, 2024. © Clayton Hauck
Being about halfway through a year of daily blogging, I’m finding myself wondering the benefits of doing this. While I’m not considering stopping, I am wondering if the strict requirement of posting each day is helpful or if it’s more likely causing me unnecessary stress and leading to boring posts nobody cares to look at, thus bringing down the overall quality of the entire project.
Yeah, I’m an over-thinker.
The image I’m sharing today is a nice callback to the first post (2024 01 01). It was taken in nearly the same location at nearly the same (seasonally-relative) time of day, with only the trees providing a variation with their leaves.
My sister is in town staying with us and she’s always doing something fun and creative (which I often end up copying). This time, it’s The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. One process the book teaches is doing your “daily pages”, which is basically writing three pages in a notebook first thing in the morning. It doesn’t have to be pretty — just get it on the page! Brain drain style. I love the concept behind this process. It also had me wondering how much of this here blog is actually my organic version of morning pages; my version of therapy.
2024 01 01
Even years are better.
I was born on an odd year, on an odd day, in an odd month. You may say I’m odd, and that’s exactly why I’ve decided to — after years of wanting but failing to — start a daily photo blog™️ at the ripe old (odd) age of 41!
Surely this will be my ticket to Photography Fame & (fortune, sadly, is no longer possible in the photography industry) Busy Work. You may even be blessed by musings and insights as good as this!
So buckle up and enjoy the ride. We’ll see how far we can get before the car runs out of juice.
Happy New Year.
PS- Thanks to Richard Avedon for naming this website. More on that later.
Moon through trees. November, 2023. Wilmette. ©Clayton Hauck
Even years are better.
I was born on an odd year, on an odd day, in an odd month. You may say I’m odd, and that’s exactly why I’ve decided to — after years of wanting but failing to — start a daily photo blog™️ at the ripe old (odd) age of 41!
Surely this will be my ticket to Photography Fame & (fortune, sadly, is no longer possible in the photography industry) Busy Work. You may even be blessed by musings and insights as good as this!
So buckle up and enjoy the ride. We’ll see how far we can get before the car runs out of juice.
Happy New Year.
PS- Thanks to Richard Avedon for naming this website. More on that later.